Day 5 : The Seven Chakras

What Are Seven Chakras In Our Body?

           The SEVEN CHAKRAS of our body symbolizes energy flow and aura we create around us. All the seven chakras need to be activated in our body. Deactivation of any of the one Chakra will affect the energy flow inside.

          Activating all the seven chakras can open up a whole new dimension of life. As each of the chakras is capable of throwing up positive as well as negative emotions in us, it is important to activate the chakras so that we get positive emotions.  

       Regular spiritual practices such as meditation activate the chakras. Let us learn about these chakras. 

     To understand a chakra, try this:  gently brush the roof of your mouth, with the tip of your tongue. Did you feel a tingling sensation on your face? This sensation is because you just triggered a chakra present at the top of your mouth! Amazing, isn’t it?



This Chakra is located at the root of our spine. It represents the basic survival and is related to our security and stability of life. This Chakra is the foundation of life.

        If you suspect your root chakra needs positive vibrations, you could repeat the following affirmation to yourself several times throughout the day: “I am safe. I am secure. I am always protected.” Balance of Muladhar Chakra is important for stable and secured life.


This chakra is located just below our belly button. This chakra controls our sexual and creative energy. Scaral Chakra creates our emotions as well as emotions of others. Scaral chakra relates to our creativity and development in the field of our interest.

      If your sacral chakra is out of balance, you may repeat the following affirmation: “I receive pleasure and create what I desire in the world.” Balance of Swadishtana Chakra is important for creative and emotional life.


This Chakra is located in our Stomach area. Our solar plexus chakra corresponds to our self-esteem and ability to self-motivate and manifest. This Chakra helps us to build confidence in our life.

If your solar plexus chakra is lagging, repeat the following affirmation: “I am confident, worthy, and able to manifest what I want in my life.” Balance of Manipura Chakra is important for confident life.


This Chakra is located in the center of our chest- just to the right of your actual heart. The Heart Chakra is all about our ability to love and show compassion.

If your Heart Chakra is less energrtic you need to repeat: “I give and receive love unconditionally” through out the day. Balance of Anahata Chakra is important for contolling emotions.


This Chakra as per name suggests is located inside our throat. The Vishuddha cahkara deals with our ability to communicate verbally. Having a control over this chakra will make your communication peaceful and sweet.

If there is anger in your words you need to balance your throat chakra, located at the center of your throat, repeat this affirmation: “I speak my truth with confidence.” Balance of Vishuddha Chakra is important for controlling our words.


This Chakra is located between our eyes. Ajna Chakra is related to our imagination and intuition. Ajna Ckra will develope your sixth sense to predict the upcoming things that will come in your life.

      To build intuition and deep clarity, repeat the following affirmation: “I trust my intuition and embrace my sixth sense.” Balance of Ajna Chakra is important for controlling our imaginations.


    This Chakra is located at the top of our head in the center somewhere. The Crown Chakra is related to our spiritual connection to ourself, others and universe. Activating The seventh sense will make a DIVINE connection with SUPREME LIGHT (GOD).

    To balance your crown chakra, repeat the following: “I am one with the Divine and receive guidance from the Universe.” Balance of Chakra is important for knowing our life purpose.

Finally a best way to balance all chakras is MEDITATION. You can also do the following YOGA postures to balance :

Today you need to meditate throughout your body as a soul and connect to the divine light that is GOD. While meditating close your eyes and chant the words given for each chakra in the sequence concentrating on chakras while chanting. When you reach the seventh Chakra you need to create a divine connection as explained in Day 4 blog. You need to honestly practice this for a week to experience the energies inside you.


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