Day 7- Healing Through Meditation

Best time to meditate 


                         In our last blogs we have seen about doing meditation and all the steps we need to learn for doing this. Let us now discuss the benefits of doing meditation and best time for doing it. Desire of experiencing the SUPERNATURAL POWER is sure after doing meditation as expressed. This cannot be defined in words or language, you can only experience this. Such things happen only when our attachment towards materialistic world is dissolved and we meditate for higher purpose. When meditation is done with some selfish desire, we end up in frustration and negative energy.

                  The best time to meditate is morning 4.30 AM to 5.15 AM . Why? At this time the world is truly silent, No voice of talks and no vehicles running on road, A pleasant environment with fresh cold air and murmuring of birds. Along with this, Our brain and body is charged with the night sleep at this time. Brain posses a minimal number or zero thoughts running within it. Our brain is sharply silent and stable at this time. Here A work taking 4 hours can be done 2 hours.  This is the reason why all great personalities are successful.

Other than this, there is no fixed time to practice meditation. It can be done any time throughout the day whenever you feel exhausted. For a minute close your eyes and meditate, you will feel fresh if done honestly. At your sleeping hours you can meditate before going to bed and while laying on bed keep on meditating. This will result in a calm and peaceful sleep.

       A part from morning and night meditation, You can do it  before having your lunch and dinner. For a while close your eyes and imagine the God light falling on your food and making it positive to heal your life problems. "Whatever happens - Happens for our good",speak this every morning and before having your meal. This things make our life beautiful, it cannot be expressed in words how much positive aura is created, everyone starts loving us. All of these can only be experienced. Try this and than trust my words.

Healing Through Meditation

                   We talked about doing meditation and its best timings. Let us learn how to heal our problems or illness through this medicine. Along with medicines and exercises, meditation will speed up your treatment if you are suffering from any of the serious illness.

             The above image shows the best posture for making your mind to concentrate on meditation steps. Follow the posture and do the following steps.

 1.Breathe deep inside and try to feel the air travelling through lungs.
 2.Learn the art to see your mistakes

 3.Learn the art of forgiveness. Try to forgive people who broke you someway sometimes.

 4. Start thinking about good things happening in life.

 5. Slowly start chanting mantra you believe in. This will stop thoughts coming to your mind.

 6. Continue this breathing and mantra repetition for at least five minutes. You will experience your bond with the universe and with higher level of spirituality. Make sure you don't end session soon.

7. Keep your mind calm and regenerate thought that you are healing with your problems or illness and everything is getting fine, better with time.

8.Start the meditation as explained to you in blogs.

9. After 15 minutes release the chanting of mantras with the word "OM" and rub your fingers to place them on your eyes. 

     Healing through meditation has been studied and documented by researchers, and its mechanism has been observed using high-tech instruments. For instance, it has been shown that meditation heals us firstly by boosting the body’s production of neurochemicals and “feel good” hormones, such as serotonin, GABA, DHEA and melatonin—this is not some empty claim, but rather a documented fact. These are hormones that help stabilize our mood, eliminate stress, and give us a deep feeling of calm and well-being. So regular meditation can go a long way in giving us the health we all need—naturally.  Hope you guys find my blog helpful.



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